Ideas and views about curing and / or preventing deseases with the help of natural , non alopathic methods/ practices

Monday, March 17, 2008

Miracle of juices

A good immune system is the cornerstone of good health. Your immune system is your main defence against all the forces that push you in the direction of malignancy. Therefore you need to know how to keep it in the best condition. We all know that eating fruits and vegetables is good for our health. But we cannot comply with this simple fact most of the time, because: You may not like the taste of most vegetables except for potatoes. Grain based menus are more satiating. For example: pulao with curd or dal-chawal, or biryani with raita, idli sambar or upma, poha, and so on. We like our vegetables overcooked, mashed and slightly greasy. Further more, even if we like eating raw fruits and vegetables, it is not practically possible to eat enough in a day to nourish your body properly. While this has always been true, it is especially pertinent today, when your body demands more nutrients in order to detoxify the large amount of environmental toxins. You definitely don't have the time to eat a kilo or two of carrots everyday! But you certainly can find the time to drink a couple of glasses of its juice in order to obtain its nutritional benefits! It is for this reason that you need to drink fruit and vegetable juices. Benefits of Juices: Tulsi juice for asthma : The juice of tulsi leaves is known to be an excellent, remedy for asthma, bronchitis, cold cough, sinus problems, acidity, constipation and fever. The leaves of black tulsi have more medicinal properties than green tulsi. Crush about 25 leaves at a time into a paste, add water, lime and salt and drink it twice a day to get its health benefits. Watermelon juice for water retention : Its juice is rich in potassium and helps to reduce water retention and high blood pressure. Cucumber juice also helps the same conditions provided other dietary modifications and lifestyle changes are also followed. Avoid excess use of salt, sugar and maida if you suffer from water retention. Carrot juice : This miracle juice is rich in calcium, vitamin A, sodium, potassium, magnesium and also contains some amounts of vitamins B, C, D, E and K. As calcium, is a fussy mineral, it needs a whole lot of other minerals to support its absorption. Carrot juice provides the correct mix of nutrients to increase bio-availability of calcium. You can use 6-7 large carrots to make a glass of juice and drink it twice a day to derive its health benefits. For those of you who have given up drinking milk, carrot juice can prove to be a good alternative. It helps fight tumours, increases vigour, vitality, appetite and body weight. It helps improve the functioning of the nervous system, improves skin, hair, nails and purifies the blood. You can also take carrot juice along with spinach juice. Blend about 50 gms of spinach (palak) leaves (after washing them thoroughly in a vinegar solution). Add this paste to the extracted carrot juice. Squeeze lemon juice, add seasonings if required and take it for a period of 2-3 months. It strengthens immunity, prevents constipation, bleeding gums, anaemia, indigestion, colds and coughs. Drink at least two three glasses of fresh juice daily. You will begin to feel healthier, have more energy and a greater resistance to disease.


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