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Monday, January 20, 2014

Packaged microwave food may be dangerous

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Packaged microwave food may be dangerous 

Popcorn is an all-time favorite microwave treat. However, many microwave popcorn bags are heavily treated with a chemical coating (fluorotelomer), best known as Teflon. This coating contains mixtures of long-chain chemicals that can be metabolized to perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a likely carcinogen.

These bags are dangerous because a large amount of the coating is used, and the popcorn is heated to extreme temperatures, which increases the risk of the fluorotelomers entering the food.
The January/February 1990 issue of the Nutrition Action Newsletter reported that a number of toxic chemicals from packaging of common foods cooked in the microwave, such as popcorn and pizza, leaked when the food was cooked.
Most plastics, including film food wrap and styrofoam containers, have been shown to migrate from the packaging into microwaved foods. This includes warping that displays a number 4 recycling symbol, and polystyrene displaying a number 6 recycling symbol. Scientists agree that contamination of food is possible, but disagree on the health implications of such contamination.
Researchers who study “invisible” changes occurring within the cells, including metabolic patterns, find reason for concern over the use of plastic in microwave ovens. The same concern does not exist with the use of glass, Pyrex or ceramics.
“In my family, we have always preferred to use our stovetop or countertop toaster oven for cooking and reheating. If you choose to use a microwave, the most important piece of health advice to remember is that you should NEVER EVER put food in plastic containers in the microwave oven. There are toxic chemicals embedded in plastic food containers (like phthalates, Bisphenol-A, and others) which will leach from the container right into the food you are about to eat. Not so yummy…” – Joshua Levitt, ND (Alternative Daily Expert)
Microwaves cook food unevenly
According to Consumer Reports, microwaving frozen or refrigerated convenience food can make you sick. Over 76 million cases of foodborne illness occur each year in America – many due to the consumption of undercooked foods. When food is not cooked evenly to an internal temperature that kills harmful bacteria, the risk of illness increases greatly.
What about loss of nutrients and other concerns?
One of the biggest arguments put forth against microwaves is that they negatively impact food nutrients. First and foremost, we must remember that the nature of most microwaveable food is nutrient-void to begin with.
However, if you are cooking real food, there are some documented concerns that we would be remiss not to mention.
A Scandinavian study done in 1999 indicates that asparagus spears cooked in the microwave had a reduction in vitamins.
Garlic cooked in the microwave for just 60 seconds inactivates alliinase, the principle active anticancer ingredient.
In November of 2003, a study published in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture found that broccoli that had been cooked in the microwave with water lost 97 percent of its antioxidants versus steamed broccoli, which lost only 11 percent.
A 1992 study found that microwaved breast milk lost antibodies and lysozyme activity, as well as fostered growth of potentially pathogenic bacteria.
A short-term study found changes in the blood chemistry of individuals who consumed microwaved milk and vegetables. Hemoglobin and white blood cell counts decreased while cholesterol increased.
Microwaving food seems to create new compounds not found in nature. These compounds are known as radiolytic byproducts. If ingested over a long period of time, it is thought that these compounds may cause problems and are potentially harmful to young children.
Cooking foods that contain protein in a microwave for more than 10 minutes may cause the chemistry of the meat protein to change. Deformed protein molecules may have a negative impact on health.
Several laboratories in America have found that continual exposure to low-level radiation may cause problems with the eyes, resulting in a increased risk of cataracts.


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