Ideas and views about curing and / or preventing deseases with the help of natural , non alopathic methods/ practices

Monday, January 20, 2014

Packaged microwave food may be dangerous

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Packaged microwave food may be dangerous 

Popcorn is an all-time favorite microwave treat. However, many microwave popcorn bags are heavily treated with a chemical coating (fluorotelomer), best known as Teflon. This coating contains mixtures of long-chain chemicals that can be metabolized to perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a likely carcinogen.

These bags are dangerous because a large amount of the coating is used, and the popcorn is heated to extreme temperatures, which increases the risk of the fluorotelomers entering the food.
The January/February 1990 issue of the Nutrition Action Newsletter reported that a number of toxic chemicals from packaging of common foods cooked in the microwave, such as popcorn and pizza, leaked when the food was cooked.
Most plastics, including film food wrap and styrofoam containers, have been shown to migrate from the packaging into microwaved foods. This includes warping that displays a number 4 recycling symbol, and polystyrene displaying a number 6 recycling symbol. Scientists agree that contamination of food is possible, but disagree on the health implications of such contamination.
Researchers who study “invisible” changes occurring within the cells, including metabolic patterns, find reason for concern over the use of plastic in microwave ovens. The same concern does not exist with the use of glass, Pyrex or ceramics.
“In my family, we have always preferred to use our stovetop or countertop toaster oven for cooking and reheating. If you choose to use a microwave, the most important piece of health advice to remember is that you should NEVER EVER put food in plastic containers in the microwave oven. There are toxic chemicals embedded in plastic food containers (like phthalates, Bisphenol-A, and others) which will leach from the container right into the food you are about to eat. Not so yummy…” – Joshua Levitt, ND (Alternative Daily Expert)
Microwaves cook food unevenly
According to Consumer Reports, microwaving frozen or refrigerated convenience food can make you sick. Over 76 million cases of foodborne illness occur each year in America – many due to the consumption of undercooked foods. When food is not cooked evenly to an internal temperature that kills harmful bacteria, the risk of illness increases greatly.
What about loss of nutrients and other concerns?
One of the biggest arguments put forth against microwaves is that they negatively impact food nutrients. First and foremost, we must remember that the nature of most microwaveable food is nutrient-void to begin with.
However, if you are cooking real food, there are some documented concerns that we would be remiss not to mention.
A Scandinavian study done in 1999 indicates that asparagus spears cooked in the microwave had a reduction in vitamins.
Garlic cooked in the microwave for just 60 seconds inactivates alliinase, the principle active anticancer ingredient.
In November of 2003, a study published in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture found that broccoli that had been cooked in the microwave with water lost 97 percent of its antioxidants versus steamed broccoli, which lost only 11 percent.
A 1992 study found that microwaved breast milk lost antibodies and lysozyme activity, as well as fostered growth of potentially pathogenic bacteria.
A short-term study found changes in the blood chemistry of individuals who consumed microwaved milk and vegetables. Hemoglobin and white blood cell counts decreased while cholesterol increased.
Microwaving food seems to create new compounds not found in nature. These compounds are known as radiolytic byproducts. If ingested over a long period of time, it is thought that these compounds may cause problems and are potentially harmful to young children.
Cooking foods that contain protein in a microwave for more than 10 minutes may cause the chemistry of the meat protein to change. Deformed protein molecules may have a negative impact on health.
Several laboratories in America have found that continual exposure to low-level radiation may cause problems with the eyes, resulting in a increased risk of cataracts.

Monday, January 13, 2014

How to Prevent Balding

The information on this blog is for information only and should not be considered as an expert advice.

By age 30, half of men start to lose the thick mop of hair they had as a teen and throughout their 20s. The hairline begins a steady backward march, and more of the scalp shows through on the top of the head.
Your genes largely determine whether you'll be one of these men. But Adam Penstein, MD, chief dermatologist at North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System in Lake Success, N.Y., says your genes don't necessarily get the final word. You can save what you've got and (at least in some cases) recover some of what you've lost with one of two medications: a foam or lotion called minoxidil (the brand name is Rogaine) or a prescription pill, finasteride (Propecia).

"Minoxidil works well for men who don't want to take a pill and who want to stall or prevent hair loss," Penstein says. "There's little downside to it, other than having to use it twice a day indefinitely. You don't even need a prescription."
Minoxidil seems to enlarge hair follicles and stimulate hair growth, though researchers don't fully understand how. Up to 7 in 10 men who take minoxidil say they regrow some hair. Men who try it need to be patient because sometimes results can take four months.
Even when it works, though, it can irritate the scalp. "That's the only real side effect from minoxidil," Penstein says, of the itchiness, flaking, and redness a few men develop. Those with very sensitive scalps may have problems with even a foam formulation and might want to try finasteride.

Pills to Prevent Hair Loss

Finasteride blocks the enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone considered the major culprit in male pattern baldness. DHT thins the hair of men who have inherited a baldness gene because it shrinks genetically sensitive hair follicles until those follicles can no longer grow hair. Finasteride slows hair loss in as many as 90% of men, and most men who take it regrow some hair.
You can use minoxidil and finasteride together, often for better results. Whether you use one or both, Penstein says, you must stick to that treatment.
"You're not curing the problem. You're just keeping it at bay, and that takes commitment," Penstein says. "The moment you stop, you start losing hair again, sometimes faster than before."

Reduce belly fat naturally - 5 Belly Fat Busting Herbs to Add to Your Healthy Lifestyle.

The information on this blog is for information only and should not be considered as an expert advice.

Herbs that Fight Fat
In addition to including healthy fats and cutting out processed food, you may want to consider adding some herbal power to your belly-busting program. Many plants contain potent compounds that target belly fat by increasing your metabolic rate, increasing fatty-acid release from deep within fat stores and suppressing hunger, which helps cut caloric consumption.
Here are five to consider:

Green Tea
Consuming green tea and participating in three hours of moderate physical activity per week resulted in an acceleration of body fat burning around the abdomen, as compared to exercise alone. Those who drank the catechin rich green tea beverage experienced a greater reduction in abdominal fat.
Chickweed also has a long-standing reputation for aiding weight loss efforts. It can be eaten raw in a salad or steamed like a vegetable. Adding chickweed to a typical salad has been shown to help break down fat molecules. It can be sprinkled on many different foods to decrease appetite, curb cravings and even assist digestion.
Its digestive actions may serve to cleanse the build-up of waste and toxins in the colon, liver and other organs. Efficient detoxification is essential to efficient metabolism. Known as a metabolic activator, ginger has been thought to increase the thermogenic properties of foods while decreasing feelings of hunger.One of the best ways to enjoy ginger’s health benefits is through a ginger tea. Prepare the tea by steeping about five slices of ginger (or two teaspoons of freshly-grated ginger) in hot water. For an extra powerful digestive soother, add chamomile and peppermint tea leaves.
Cinnamon has been found to reduce blood sugar levels in people who are diabetic or pre diabetic. High blood sugar levels impair metabolism and create internal chaos. Adding as little as 2 teaspoons a day of cinnamon to your food has been shown to be effective in helping regulate blood sugar and insulin response. Consider adding a little to your coffee, smoothies or morning oatmeal.
Burdock Root
The best way to use it is to bring water to a boil and pour about an ounce of dried burdock root into the water; gently simmer for 10 to 20 minutes, and then allow it to cool. Drinking it between meals is optimal.By combining one or more of these herbs into an already-healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a nutritious diet, you can help decrease the time it takes to achieve your ideal weight while reducing that stubborn fat around your middle!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Green Tea may cause side effects !

The information on this blog is for information only and should not be considered as an expert advice.

Green Tea may cause side effects !

Side effects. Green coffee seems to cause few side effects. The caffeine in green coffee -- just like the caffeine in brewed coffee -- can cause symptoms that include:
  • Headache
  • Upset stomach
  • Anxiety
Risks. Because of its caffeine, extremely high doses of green coffee could be dangerous. Caffeine may not be good for people with conditions such as:
  • Glaucoma
  • Anxiety
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Osteoporosis
  • Bleeding disorders
Talk to your doctor if you have any medical conditions before using a green coffee supplement. Given the lack of evidence about its safety, doctors don't recommend green coffee for children or for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Interactions. If you take any medicines regularly, talk to your doctor before you start using green coffee supplements. Green coffee interacts with many medicines. Some of these include stimulants, blood thinners, and medicines for:
  • Heart problems
  • Weak bones
  • Lung diseases
  • Menopause
  • Depression
  • Schizophrenia
Don't take green coffee along with herbal stimulants or other supplements with caffeine.
Supplements are not regulated by the FDA.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Beware ! Aloe Vera may cause side effects !

The information on this blog is for information only and should not be considered as an expert advice.

Applying aloe vera gel is considered safe, but consuming unprocessed juice extracted from the latex can cause several side effects leading to major health risks. Some of the side effects of aloe vera juice are:

1. Aloe vera juice contains a substance called anthraquinone, a laxative, which can cause diarrhea if taken in large amounts. Severe diarrhea can cause pain, cramps and dehydration.
2. Consult your doctor before consuming aloe vera juice, especially if you’re undergoing a medical treatment or taking prescribed drugs, as the juice may cause adverse reactions when consumed along with few medicines. Laxative in aloe vera may even inhibit the absorption of some drugs in the body. Aloe vera juice also reacts to herbs like jalap roots, castor oil, rhubarb root and bark root, causing dehydration and diarrhea. Fenugreek and garlic do not digest well with aloe juice; it can lower blood sugar and potassium levels in the body.
3. Drinking aloe vera juice can result in allergic reactions like skin rash or hives, itchy or swollen skin, difficulty in breathing, chest pain and throat irritation.
4. Aloe vera juice contains latex, an ingredient which has many health risks associated with it. It can aggravate health problems like colitis, Crohn’s disease, appendicitis, diverticulosis, intestinal obstruction, hemorrhoid, stomach pains and ulcers. There are also reports which suggest of hepatitis caused by consumption of aloe vera juice, becoming a cause of concern for people with liver problems.
5. Pregnant and lactating women are strictly forbidden from consuming aloe vera juice, due to its purgative and irritant qualities. It may stimulate uterine contractions in pregnant women, leading to miscarriage and birth defects. Lactating women should also refrain from consuming aloe vera juice, as it contains anthraquinone which may lead to diarrhea. It is also considered unsafe for children below 12 years of age.
6. People, who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and gastrointestinal problem, should not drink aloe vera juice, as it contains high amount of laxatives which can increase the severity of the problem.

7. Drinking unprocessed aloe vera juice can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance in the body. It also changes urine color to pink or red in color.
8. Consumption of aloe vera juice can lead the body to produce excessive amounts of adrenaline, which can be harmful for people suffering from heart conditions. It can also lower potassium levels in the body, causing irregular heartbeats, weakness and soft muscles. Hence, it is not recommended for children and elderly people.
9. Consuming aloe vera juice, for more than a year can cause pseudomelanosis coli, a condition which increases the risk of colorectal cancer. There are even possibilities of developing carcinogenic risk if consumed in high amounts.
10. Aloe vera juice helps to lower blood sugar levels by decreasing insulin resistance in the body. Thus, people who are undergoing treatment for hypoglycemia or diabetes should consult their physician before consuming aloe vera juice.
11. Overdose of aloe vera juice can cause blood build-up in the pelvis, which leads to kidney damage.
12. Prolonged usage of aloe vera juice can increase the risk of constipation. Also, intake of aloe latex can cause depletion of the potassium from the cells of the intestinal lining.
Aloe vera juice’s side effects are most commonly experienced by people who consume excessive amounts, exceeding the recommended dosage.

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