Ideas and views about curing and / or preventing deseases with the help of natural , non alopathic methods/ practices

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Carrots for better health

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Carrots for better health

This crunchy power food is low in calories and contains no fat. However, it can provide you with high doses of Vitamin A and other antioxidants. Some of the amazing health benefits of carrots are as follows.

1. Eye Care:

Carrots are excellent for the eyes, thanks to the presence of abundant amounts of beta carotene which is converted into Vitamin A in the liver. This vitamin is converted in the retina to rhodopsin, a purple pigment necessary for night vision. Beta carotene improves night vision and protects against eye problems like glaucoma, macular degeneration and senile cataracts. It is also helpful in night blindness. A study has proved that consumption of beta carotene reduces the risk of macular degeneration by 40%.

2. Cardiovascular Benefits:

Carrots contain a variety of antioxidants and polyacetylenes which together provide a protective shield to the heart. Studies have shown that consumption of foods high in carotenoids lower the risk of heart disease. Besides being extremely rich in beta carotene, carrots also contain alpha-carotene and lutein. Regular consumption of carrots protects your heart from oxidative damage, plaque formation and bad cholesterol elevation. This is because they contain soluble fibers which bind with bile acids.

3. Prevents Cancer:

Studies have shown that the consumption of carrots can reduce the risk of lung cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer. This is because carrots are rich in the poly-acetylene antioxidant, falcarinol which fights against cancers by destroying pre-cancerous cells in the tumors. In this way, carrots possess anti-carcinogenic properties that inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the colon and support the health of the lower digestive tract.

4. Boosts the Immune System:

Carrot contains a variety of nutrients and antioxidants along with Vitamin C which boost your immune system. Regular consumption of carrots creates a protective shield for our body.

5. Dental Health:

Carrots are beneficial for your teeth and mouth as they scrape off plaque and food particles like a toothbrush or toothpaste. Carrots stimulate the gums and facilitate the formation of a lot of saliva, which being alkaline in nature, balances the acid-forming and cavity-forming bacteria. The minerals present in carrots kill harmful germs in the mouth and prevent tooth decay.

6. Cleanses the Body:

As stated earlier, carrots contain abundant amounts of Vitamin A which assist the liver in flushing out toxins from the body. It reduces the accumulation of bile and fat in the liver. The soluble fiber, on the other hand, cleanses the colon by facilitating waste elimination.

7. Prevents Ageing:

The high level of beta carotene in carrots acts as an antioxidant to prevent and reverse cell damage done to the body through regular metabolism. Thus, it helps in slowing down the ageing of cells.

8. Beneficial during Menstruation and the Post-Menopausal Phase:

Carrot juice is extremely beneficial for women. This is because the phytoestrogen in carrots helps relieve menstrual pain and regularizes bleeding in those having heavy menstrual flow. It is also beneficial for post-menopausal women as it helps to get rid of hot flushes and stabilizes other menopausal symptoms.

9. Helpful During Pregnancy:

Carrots are particularly helpful during pregnancy as they aid in the proper development of the fetus and reduce the risk of fetal infections and miscarriage. Regular consumption of carrots is known to help in the production of breast milk and improve its quality.

10. Prevents Stroke:

According to a research conducted at Harvard University, people who consumed more than six carrots a week are less likely to suffer from strokes in comparison to those who ate only one carrot a month or less.

11. Source of Calcium:

Few of us are aware of the fact that carrots contain calcium which is vital for the growth and development of bones in children and women.

12. Digestive Health:

Carrots are a good source of fiber which helps in regularizing bowel movements and aids digestion. It is also beneficial in conditions like constipation and acid re-flux. Besides, this fiber aids in weight loss and in avoiding sugar hikes in the blood.



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